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Shall We Ban Hands-Free Cell Phones Just for Driving

Dec 22,2008

As more communities consider whether or not to ban cell phone use while driving, they may want to consider banning hands-free phones as well. According to a new study from AAA, two-thirds of Americans believe that hands-free cell phones are more safe.....but they could be wrong. Evidence in the study shows that using a hands-free phone while driving impairs your reaction time to critical events, and increases your crash risk about the same as if you were using a hand-held phone. The Wisconsin State Patrol says driving and talking isn't the only driver distraction to avoid. "Cell phone use, playing the radio, eating, doing other work...they're diverting your attention from driving," said Cpt. Jeffrey Frenette, of the state's north central region. He says drivers need to be aware of all the dangers of distracted driving while behind the wheel.

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