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Hands-Free Mobile Phones Not Safer

Dec 21,2008

Many cell phone users are in for a big surprise after new research involving hands-free devices. A new AAA study found that hands-free devices are just as dangerous and distracting as a using a normal cell phone while driving. Using a cell phone, no matter what kind, makes drivers four times more likely to get in an accident. People we spoke with seemed to believe hands-free was safer, despite the results. " My hands are free, both hands on the wheel. If I have to attend to my son I still can, I prefer it." says Jennifer Manuel, a Tallahassee resident "But I do know this, it's better to have a hand free than to have that phone in your hand." says Melvin Groomes, a Tallahassee resident There are no laws in Florida that prohibit cell phone usage while driving and local law enforcement says that although hands-free devices may still cause distraction, having both hands on the wheel seems to be a better option.

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